A Maze Of Words

An Abode of Books & Reading

Home » Envelope — Blog chatter A To Z

Envelope — Blog chatter A To Z

In the cauldron of words, the envelope was the word I was gifted with was an envelope. It’s tricky. And so here we go.

They say you’re just a paper,

Definitely, without you,

no other paper could be delivered.

A coffin for lost love letters

And a cradle for the love

that found its way to each other.

An accepting guests to many,

And rejecting dreams for some.

The news of happiness travelled afar,

And the sadness of death

wrapped with care.

I look around,

every time I have to

send people

a piece of my heart,

trying to decide

If I should make a new one

or just buy one from the market.

Long ago, I learnt how to-

make 60 different types of envelopes

And while as a kid

I didn’t appreciate the extra class

I appreciate the skill now.

Even though I am not good at them.

Actually, I haven’t made even one good.

But I still like to think about

those 60 different types of envelopes.

Someday, I’ll sit again.

As I write my feelings or

share some news,

Or just some poetry

And not just the words

but I’ll make the envelopes too.

And offer not just

a piece of my heart,

but a home for them too.

This post is associated with a writing challenge (I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z). My introduction post can be found here.

The post for letter A (Apples) can be found here.

The post for letter B (Books) can be found here.

The post for letter C (Creation) can be found here.

The post for letter D (Death) can be found here.

You can support me by buying me a Ko-fi.


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