A Maze Of Words

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Home » Creation — Blog chatter A To Z

Creation — Blog chatter A To Z

Creation. I contemplated to change the word that the Internet gave me. Purely, because I wrote about creation in detail a while ago. Although, that was not just a mixture of creation and destruction. And I am so proud of that blog. But I thought, let’s do it again. Write something more about creation.


Unlike the last time, I want to talk about creation in the mental capacity. I want to talk about how creativity helps. So, I took the liberty of making it a (C)collage of (C)creation and (C)creativity.

I told my student once how learning now after so many years is not just easy but fun. She couldn’t believe it. And the truth is, I think my younger self would have not believed it either. But the truth is the more you learn, the easier learning is. Similarly, the more you create, the easier creating is.

The world is too fast-paced. There is an underlying pressure to reach your targets by the designated time and not disrupt your timeline. Or rather the timeline “created” for you. And everyone will tell you, Now is the time. Do it. But it is art. It is creation that will tell you to slow down every once a while. It is creating that will tell you to notice things again. The rising of the sun, the blooming of a flower, the laughter, the art of noticing is in creating. Be it painting or acting. Be it a photo or video. Just like books, creating also changes you.

I have been creating for a while. But admittedly, I didn’t take it seriously. But I am slowly taking it. And I am loving the process so much? Every time, I have a blank page, a part of me dances. The world is a stage. And I am the creator here. It is my vision, my creation. And I hope that this feeling stays with me as long as possible.

(This post is going to be a little smaller than usual. Not because I don’t have anything to add. But because I have so much more but I am in a rush. Hopefully, I can come back and write more.)

This post is associated with a writing challenge (I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z). My introduction post can be found here.

The post for letter A (Apples) can be found here.

The post for letter B (Books) can be found here.

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