A Maze Of Words

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Books — Blog chatter A To Z

For the letter B, I didn’t try to find a random word. A part of me knew I wanted to write about Books. I know, it’s a cliche. But as a reader and lover of words, I think we did see it coming. So, here is my letter to Books.

Aesthetic photo of Books


I always wonder how little things influence our lives. The side we woke up to, the rain, the crowd at the train, the corner seat for a movie, the last piece of the pastry you wanted, the sweetest of fruits, and so on and on. But today I want to talk about a big influence in my life. Books have been a part of my life for as long as I remember. But the truth is, not always in a way I would’ve liked.

I get my love for books from my Mum. And she got it from her father and him from his. It’s our thing now. And I read a lot. Mostly, Essay books during my initial reading days. And then life happened. The only books I was surrounded by were my school books. There was a void in me that I didn’t realise till I started reading.

And my reading journey began again with reading fan fiction (that is a story for another day). But I found my way back to books. Earlier I talked about the little influence, now I would like to talk about the huge, big, most important, essential – pick any adjective you want to fit, influence in my life. Books. Apart from helping me be the person I am today, they taught me above everything else how simple life is. They taught me it is never too late to hope, to begin. They allowed me to be myself. Even if that girl is someone who is just trying to live a life on her terms.

On days when nothing made sense and the pressure of the world around me felt too much, books told me to keep going. On days when I felt alone, they gave me company. On days when I wanted to cry, they gave me the reason. On days when I wanted to dream again, they showed me it was possible.

I will never be able to thank books for their influence in my life. They say reading every book changes you and I cannot agree more. With every book I read, I have learnt something. With every page I turn, I have uncovered a secret that only I know. And so, I spend my days within the pages. Not just reading but writing too. Because they say the book that will change your life the most is the one you write. And what better way to be thankful for the art than to be one?

This post is associated with a writing challenge (I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z). My introduction post can be found here.

The post for letter A (Apples) can be found here.

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One thought on “Books — Blog chatter A To Z

  1. Such a wonderful tribute. I agree, I don’t think there are enough words to express just what books mean and how they have helped. On a side note, I love reading fanfiction too!

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